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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Prostate Cancer Treatment For Those With Recurrent Prostate Cancer(prostate cancer treatment)

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Being diagnosed with prostate cancer for the first time will more than likely be traumatic for you and your loved ones, being diagnosed with recurrent prostate cancer can be devastating. Your doctor will prescribe a prostate cancer treatment plan that is designed to help you beat this disease. For those who have recurrent prostate cancer, there are many prostate cancer treatment that your physician may advise you to try.

Radiation Therapy

One prostate cancer treatment option is radiation therapy. This prostate cancer treatment includes the use of radiation of high energy from protons, neutrons, gamma rays and x-rays, as well as other sources to kill the cancerous cells and to shrink any existing tumors. There are two ways that radiation therapy can be administered as prostate cancer treatment. The first is from a machine that is located outside your body called external beam radiation therapy, or you may have material that is radioactive that is placed in your body near where the cancer is located. This is referred to as internal radiation therapy.

Hormone Therapy

Another prostate cancer treatment your doctor may employ is hormone therapy. This prostate cancer treatment will remove, block or add hormones. When you are suffering with recurrent prostate cancer, hormone therapy may aid in preventing the growth of the cancer. It is also used as a cancer treatment for breast cancer as well.


If you are not responding to conventional methods of prostate cancer treatment, your doctor may suggest that you have a prostatectomy. This is an operation that will remove some or all of the prostate. When you have a radical or total prostatectomy, the surgical team will remove the entire prostate gland as well as surrounding tissue.


Chemotherapy is a common prostate cancer treatment as well as a treatment for a host of other types of cancer. Chemotherapy can come with a lot of side effects and if this is the course of prostate cancer treatment your doctor recommends, you will learn about the possible side effects you may suffer with this treatment option. There may be other prostate cancer treatment other then those mentioned that your doctor will discuss at length with you.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

The Best Prostate Cancer Treatment Is Early Treatment(prostate cancer treatment)

prostate cancer treatment

Prostate cancer is a serious affliction that affects upwards of 200,000 men each year. Risk factors for prostate cancer can include age, race and health history. If diagnosed with prostate cancer your treatment options will be determined by these factors. Just like with any other form of cancer, the best prostate cancer treatment is available at the early stages.

Once diagnosed with prostate cancer, two main options will be presented. Choices are either surgery or radiation. Neither treatment has conclusively been found to be better. Chances are when faced with prostate cancer treatment options; your doctor will simply present the option they are most comfortable with as the best prostate cancer treatment. A consultation with a hospital oncologist should strongly be considered. An oncologist's expertise mainly centers on drug therapies like chemotherapy in treating cancer. Since prostate cancer (localized) cannot be treated with a drug therapy, you are sure to get an unbiased opinion as to your treatment options. One positive aspect of prostate cancer compared to other cancers, is the fact that it is remarkably slow. You may have several years before prostate cancer begins to spread, while naturally you are not going to take years to decide on a treatment plan, it is nice to know you have some time to make the right choice.

A hospital that centers on cancer treatment is going to provide the most treatment options and will have specialists in each field to render the best care. Don't settle for just one opinion. With a condition like prostate cancer, many doctors suggest waiting to see what the cancer will do. While "waiting" may sound like a bad idea when it comes to cancer, prostate cancer will usually afford you enough time to make a well thought out decision. Don't rush, but take time to do research as to what will be the best prostate cancer treatment for you.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of which provides prostate health advice including symptoms and treatments of everything from an enlarged prostate to prostate cancer

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